Anime Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy
“Wisrotia: Wand and Sword” started airing July 7 2024. This anime is about a young man named Will Serfort who dreams of keeping his promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, one of the mighty magicians who sit atop the Wizard’s Tower.However, he is unable to cast even the simplest of spells, leaving him to fight dungeon monsters to earn credits at Regarden Magical Academy. And in this anime world magic is everything.
Will Serfort not having any magic aptitude in a world where magic is absolute ,he was bullied and pick on every time and not just by students but teachers too.
What Wistoria Does Well
- Engaging Protagonist: Will is a standout. His underdog story—striving for greatness despite being magically disadvantaged—makes him an easy character to root for. His dynamic with Elfaria and other allies is fleshed out through meaningful interactions.
- Action and Visuals: The anime delivers exciting battles, with settings ranging from dungeons to magical obstacle courses. Fans of creative fight choreography will appreciate the visually captivating sequences that highlight unique magical stylesThe Review GeekAnime Corner.
- World-Building: While not groundbreaking, the magical lore of Magia Vanders and elemental magic has enough intrigue to keep fantasy enthusiasts invested. Themes of perseverance and friendship add depth, making the narrative relatable
Anime Review:
Personally i think “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” is a great anime which has a lot of potential. It literally reminds me of “Black Clover ” Asta from the black Bulls , Born in a while of magic but blessed with crazy stamina, speed , agility and strength and the both use swords. Overall i really love this anime.
My Rating : 8.9/10
What are your thoughts on Wistoria? Did you find the magic captivating or the storytelling lackluster? Let’s discuss!