Long ago, alien lifeforms came to Earth, fusing with people on the planet. Due to their appearance, they were dubbed “Mecha-ude” – “Mechanical Arms Anime“. When fused, they had a striking resemblance to mechanised arms hence the name “Mecha-ude – Mechanical arms”
“Mechanical Arms Anime” follows “Amatsuga” a teenager , hears a voice call out for help, which he then proceeded to find out what called out to him. Through an involuntary partnership with a “mechanical arm “, Amatsuga works alongside Arma. A mechanical arm who is extremely rare and has has a special existence.The resistance group ARMS assigns a dual “Mecha-ude” user Aki to follow him wherever he goes. However, she is also looking for a mysterious Snake-Type Mecha-ude wielder, who killed her family. Behind the scenes, another organisation the Kagami Group is also searching for the Arma.
Aki a dual “Mecha-ude” user eventually caught up to the Snake – Type Mechanical arm wielder. And oh boy ,she was shocked to find out it was her sister whom she though had passed on 8 years ago.
If you are into sci – fi, drama and action then “Mechanical Arms Anime ” is definitely what you need to be watching.It fun to watch and has a nice story line and good adaptions.This anime is still airing. And has about 5 episodes.
My Personal Rating :
Overall Rating : 8/10
Genre: Sci – Fi, Action
Mechanical Arms Anime started airing on the 4 of October 2024.
Studio: FriF Studio
Producer : Pony Canyon, Kansai Telecasting, BS Asahi